
Showing posts from October, 2018

The final countdown

In preparation for an imminent trip to South East Asia, specifically Malaysian Borneo for my first week 'out East', I am currently trying to pack as many light clothes into a large navy backpack which has definitely seen better days. I have also just spent an obscene amount of money for a mountain trek on Mount Kinabalu, a majestic 4095 meter peak located two hours outside Kota Kinabalu in Borneo's northern state of Sabah. World Heritage Site or not, I balked slightly at the cost required to summit the beast--will they provide us with a flying carpet if we can't reach it to the summit? My flight departs this Friday and with every passing day (and drop in temperature) the reality and excitement of my adventure hits me. My intention with this blog is that every week of my trip I will post a tasty morsel of anecdotes from my wanderings. My granny recently asked me "would you not just keep a diary or write home love?" but of course, times have changed ("lik