
Showing posts from May, 2020

Character driven plot or plot driven character?

The three faces of lockdown. Picture this, a sunny day in a green garden brimming with wildflowers. There is a pond, of the non-manicured variety, surrounded by a woodland filled with ancient trees and their tall canopy layer. The native canopy works to hide dark leafy paths which snake through the dappled half light waiting to be explored. On the daisied lawn an obstacle course is set up. It is comprised of high-class hurdles such as overturned benches, suspect poles balanced on tin paint cans, hurleys, three bicycles and an old dart board. Of course. This obstacle course has been suggested by a child minder-- me-- by way of solid entertainment for a twelve and eight year old to bolt around. Like the best ideas, this backfires and I find myself being timed like a retired racehorse as it stumbles its way around a course not built for it. The sun shines  and the laughter echoes. It's a quarantine high even if I am being beaten by a twelve year old. Another picture. I sit in front