The lockdown blog: day 26

Nostalgic memory of youth: My mother telling me not to watch too much TV in case I got "square eyes".
 I spent a long time trying to find someone suffering from this affliction but strangely never did. 

But ah,  the days when 'screen time' was seen as an unnecessary pleasure and square eyes the risk associated with it, akin to the 'monster under the bed'. Now it is a necessary evil. We buy special 'anti-blue light' glasses to allow us to continue to stare, squarely, into the screen in an intense 'who blinks first' match. I'm currently in one and will continue until four pm when I log off my duties of monitoring  psychology classes. 

The above section was written, as you can guess, well before the present --when I ironically find myself back at said screen. This time in 'blogger' capacity rather than classroom assistant. Who would have guessed that 'classroom assistant' would be a job done from a laptop?
 I find myself hurtling through cyber space at the click of a button, crash landing gracefully into multiple simultaneous classes without so much as a bump. In one realm/ portal/ class I listen to an animated discussion on 'how to get away with murder' and, in another, a teacher's cat successfully interrupts proceedings by terrorizing local seagulls-- their 'caws' echoing through the laptops of students up and down the country. An impressive feat for Charlie the cat. Whoever said remote learning was boring?
 As another, slightly less 'maverick' discussion and ice-breaker, this time not involving murder, we were encouraged to introduce one 'odd thing' we had in our vicinity--once again an activity helped rather than hindered by the mode of zoom--the objects ranged from white rabbits to wooden monkey statues and my own, a felt hat which had just arrived by post. 
I love my new hat, a belated Christmas present which makes me feel like a modern day flapper, but I also love that zoom and remote learning can, contrary to popular belief, make round eyes--rounder?
 'Round' here signifying joy and wonder, not the bulging effect commonly caused by strangulation as someone attempts to get away with murder... Just clarifying. 

xoxo murder she wrote 


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