The lockdown blog: day 29

 I have a lockdown outfit and it is in this outfit that I have spent the last three days. Vogue would, I like to think, call it the perfect 'transition' piece from night to day and vice versa. The versatile garment I refer to is a red all in one piece, consisting of red harem style pants and a scoop neck top half. It has big pockets and makes me feel like an empowered genie emerged from a bottle. Underneath this fabulous number I wear a green and white pinstriped top with a triangular bib. I have been told, I think rudely, that this top is very 'POW' but I believe it is time for the stripe to be reclaimed. 

I have daily walks in my romper, I call friends in this romper, I zoom in the romper and today I recorded a self tape in the romper--if I get the role I will be at risk of never changing out of it again for it will be my 'lucky' romper. 

Last night, lounging in my romper, I spoke to a friend who lives on the other side of the world, she is from Oz and although she is not a wonderful wizard, she is a wonderful person. She has a small bird that goes by the name of 'cado', she likes to make magnets out of resin and pictures out of leaves and she has previously featured on this blog as the girl that will not, ever again, step foot on the godforsaken Blasket. The focal point of our conversation last night was games, in all their forms. She has become a big fan, she tells me, of board games. She tells me about a game called Catan which is similar to Monopoly, "but better". Given Child A and Child B's penchant for becoming rampant capitalists on a monopoly board, I am both keen and nervous to see what would happen on this board--given that it's about settlement, it would probably involve driving me, ruthlessly, off my land. This game I have decided, after hungrily googling what it is about, seems the perfect lockdown cure. "Picture yourself in the era of discoveries" it tells me, "after a long voyage of great deprivation, your ships have finally reached the coast of an uncharted island". We know all about long voyages of great deprivation and reaching the coasts of uncharted islands is the stocking filler of my every dream. The colonists creed has tickled me pink and whetted my appetite of expansion and expedition. *My uniform of discovery shall be striped and no countries shall be harmed in the process. 

I have begun this 'voyage of discovery' tentatively this evening by sipping from a bottle of Birra Moretti and remembering past days of being a performing monkey to Italian school children. Italy has been in my thoughts a lot recently which is an affliction both desirable and inescapable: watching any sitcom reminds me of the Italian 'Commedia dell'arte' stock characters. FYI, they form a basis to many modern comedic figures and characters (information from a misused degree). I see Harlequin in Joey from Friends, Zanni in Manny from Blackbooks and I see Magnifico in Brooklyn 99's Captain Holt. 

I must excuse myself now in order to make risotto. God help me. 

xoxo Room with not much of a view 


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