The lockdown blog: day 5

 I seem to have a habit of stockpiling all of the things I need to do, however enjoyable and fulfilling they might be, to the very end of the day. Today was one of those days, hence sitting down to write this, fuzz brained, at half eight in the evening. I have just come off a zoom meeting (you may be familiar?) but rather than the usual screen fatigue and awkwardness that seems to be the order of the day with these 'multiple floating heads on a screen socializing/working/schooling/everything-ing' I emerge excited and energized. I am working with these other heads on a collaborative and participatory, soon to take shape-ory, film project. Adding fuel to the bizzarreness of current times, none of us have ever met in the flesh. 

Before being a head on a zoom call however I spent my day as a- somewhat- whole body in reality. I woke up, delighted, to a light smattering of snow about as thick as a layer of dandruff and watched from my window as kids with plastic spades scraped what whiteness they could for whatever construction they had planned. By the time I ventured outside to the brightness of the day the whiteness had all but gone. I walked to my local Palmerston Park and watched as three dogs and their owners frolicked in the center. My guesses at matching the dogs to their respective owners are as follows:

-White Labrador puppy= Small, excitable female from unknown Mediterranean country in a long black puffa coat 

-Small fluffy white thing of 'wind up toy' variety= tall, thin, bespectacled male with nervous disposition of the nerdy variety

-Cinnamon colored retriever with blow-dried hair = Comfortable middle aged female, assertive and red gloved 

My ability at recognizing dog breeds is poor to say the least. As Jack Russell's are clearly the superior pedigree I have never felt any need to expand my knowledge base. I'm definitely not bias. 

Completing my dog-owner game of join the dots to its conclusive ends I continued on my way. A passerby on the phone enthused to her interlocutor "I think that's what the world needs, more dogs". She had obviously been playing the same game. I lapped this same woman minutes later to hear a slow borne out exclamation of "oh fabbbb". Her plans at dog denomination had clearly been seen through. I look forward to this Isle of Dogs. Maybe a Jack Russell in charge rather than an orange faced, banana haired American? He'd probably declare voter fraud though and start a cat fight. 

xoxo let the dog out 


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