The lockdown blog: cohabitation edition 2

 How do you approach your deadlines? An easy breezy week or two in advance with plenty of time for editing, procrastination and intelligent gathering of brain waves? Or up to the wire, dotted i's, crossed T's the day of? 

I always liked to think I was in the first camp, however last weeks experience has shown me that in my old age, I have slipped up. Panic writing for two job applications on two separate days occurred with caffeine and a thesaurus being the necessary survival kit. Cover letters require a degree of cunning, artifice as well as gumption. I generally have these by the bucket load and live to tell the tale. I am hopeful that my future bank account as well as adulthood will thank me. This is also my excuse for not giving you, dear readers, a blog last week. I know that you missed me. 

I write this now feeling distinctly cosy--or, to satisfy the Norwegians--Hygge. I returned from child minding 90% wet and 10% human and have recently returned to a semi-normal state. This is largely due to a flatmate that had dinner ready for my arrival: orzo pasta, jerusalem artichoke and roast tomato surprise. In return I helped to cut her hair. An eye for an eye, a tomato for a lock. 

 Despite the weather's admirable attempts to dampen everything, including my spirits, I am feeling considerably chirpy. This is in no large part due, once again, to the terrible twosome better known as Child A and Child B. For the afternoon I set Child A with the task of creating a 'good news' news reel. I was apprehensive about how well this would go down due to her changeable attitude to my entertainment schemes--much akin to the Irish weather. This however went down a storm (pun fully intended), Child B took on the role of director and cinematographer and enjoyed shouting at his sister to "NOT LOOK AT THE CAMERA, I'M GETTING SOME COOL AERIAL SHOTS" meanwhile Child A informed the listening public about her vaccinated grandparents, Brooklyn 99's upcoming new season and the Dublin International Film Festival "taking place next week, in March". The news then cut to a blubbing American by the name of Phoebe who just loves "Irreeeeland" and was devastated to not be returning to her beloved festival this year. As we all know, it's not a remote report without some kind of technical difficulty: this particular American was caught red-handed picking her nose and had to be informed that the camera was, in fact, rolling. This was Child B's comic input not my own disgusting habits, I hasten to add.  We had static aerial effects simulating 'technical difficulties' and the RTE news theme tune to bookend the broadcast. I will never look at the 9 PM news the same way again and I am fine with that.

Sticking to the theme of 'good news', I am on the lookout for stories of relationships--romantic/friendship and otherwise--formed during the panny d. Despite the buzzword of 'remote', some incredible connections have been made and I want to hear about them. Love in the Time of Cholera is all well and good Gabriel but it's about keeping up with the times. 

Once again good people, share this on my Facebook for me? A hacker is still rogue and I'm locked out of the house.

xoxo down with the kids 


  1. There there, get a cool flannel, apply to forehead and Ree.. Lax.


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